Shockdoughbooerdeath: Voodoo Doughnut with Oscar Montoya

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 79

  • @DoughboysPodcast
    @DoughboysPodcast  Год назад +1

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  • @ClonedControls
    @ClonedControls Год назад +29

    This is an instant classic. Putting a box of doughnuts in a backpack is WILD!

  • @brando7986
    @brando7986 Год назад +26

    Mitch casually conversing wearing jelly bread is hypnotic 😵‍💫🍞

  • @LucasEscalada
    @LucasEscalada Год назад +9

    I loved when Mitch tried to win the discussion about him not being competitive. Spoon nation for life

  • @vanec7521
    @vanec7521 Год назад +39

    Can we get Oscar AND Mano sometime? Two iconic duos. Plus Betsy Sodaro!

    • @zagmazmatron
      @zagmazmatron Год назад +9

      I'm certain we're going to get a Mano/Betsy ep this month. They host a spooky movie podcast!

  • @drakecartrette1558
    @drakecartrette1558 Год назад +41

    Oscar's such a great guest for the first ep of this month

  • @ghankghank
    @ghankghank Год назад +13

    Nobody is having more fun than Oscar in this episode. He's a fan.

  • @tzaloom
    @tzaloom Год назад +11

    The Marlboro read is so impressive

  • @antijulius
    @antijulius Год назад +23

    Amelia is always a god damn delight when she's on.

  • @hansamurai
    @hansamurai Год назад +5

    So so sooo glad the video versions of the podcast exist now, just amazing!

  • @ChristopherHua
    @ChristopherHua Год назад +43

    Got some ghosts in the wires in the spookiest of months
    2:09:09 - couple of off-cam byes made it through the edit
    2:09:33 - random "This is a Headgum podcast"

  • @zagmazmatron
    @zagmazmatron Год назад +22

    All-time intro by Nick!

  • @asmorrell
    @asmorrell Год назад +5

    If Yusong's ghost isn't a guest on this month of all months, I will throw a fit.

  • @jackosnmh
    @jackosnmh Год назад +14

    “Can I finish, can I finish” - Perot

  • @SamuelHough
    @SamuelHough Год назад +9

    The Dana Carvey Perot was “can I finish?”

  • @slowtrain4422
    @slowtrain4422 Год назад +4


  • @jeffreynunya4716
    @jeffreynunya4716 Год назад +4

    This is one of the funniest episodes in a while.

  • @brandongilbrech3983
    @brandongilbrech3983 Год назад +4

    2:09:35 Did the Headgum voice over try to play them off?

  • @maclunko
    @maclunko Год назад +4

    Yusong's ghost needs to teach Scorpion's daughter the way of the Rachel Ray bag

  • @nikkilev78
    @nikkilev78 Год назад +5

    I'm not the biggest Voodoo Donut fan BUT I have to say the home Portland VD would never be out of all those flavors at the same time. I work right next door and basically only eat VD when people bring in ones to share with the staff of my club but I certainly don't mind it when that happens! ALSO in answer to the question, 6 AM - 3 AM are the Portland Voodoo hours.

  • @erinkat93
    @erinkat93 Год назад +1

    "Killers of the Flower Moon" got pushed back from Mitch's birthday to MY birthday, October 20th lol

  • @yoohootube
    @yoohootube Год назад +3

    I'm ready for that jelly

  • @jackdearman5880
    @jackdearman5880 Год назад +2

    Oscar bringing the heat with his Horror reccomendos.
    Also: being from Portland, as soon as I saw Voodoo Donuts I crossed my fingers and hoped they'd talk some mad shit.

  • @TenDoses89
    @TenDoses89 Год назад +54

    Mitch and Wiger constantly trying to make this distinction between breakfast and dessert donuts is one of the fattest things they do. 😂😂😂

    • @darkaiel
      @darkaiel Год назад +3

      It make perfect sense to me and probably most of the doughboys listeners.😂

    • @claireford2
      @claireford2 Год назад +1

      Breakfast donuts are bagels, dessert donuts are donuts

  • @TheQueenKKay
    @TheQueenKKay Год назад

    I usually only listen to the episodes, but I came here to see the hug. And I gotta say
    it delivered. 😂

  • @JoeJoeShmoJoe
    @JoeJoeShmoJoe Год назад +1

    That hug tho

  • @tr1co0
    @tr1co0 2 месяца назад

    I love how the part where the guy says “grape” in the Skittles commercials sounds exactly like it’s from a crappy Doughboys drop

  • @crazyfunguyphil7
    @crazyfunguyphil7 Год назад +3

    Awesome intro and drop

  • @beewcar
    @beewcar Год назад +9

    That was not Billy Zane in The Mummy (1999), put some respect on Arnoldo Vosloo’s name.

    • @jackosnmh
      @jackosnmh Год назад +4

      Drove me crazy that nobody in the room caught this.

    • @beewcar
      @beewcar Год назад +3

      @@jackosnmh common mistake. Even Arnoldo himself says people come up to him and ask if he was in Titanic and he replies “of course!”

  • @sheltonalexander6785
    @sheltonalexander6785 Год назад +11

    I'm upset they weren't legally allowed to use my suggestion of Octoddler Fest where they review Kid's Meals because of Wiger.

  • @macroversal
    @macroversal Год назад +3

    Wow. If Yusong pulled that Amelia shit he'd have gotten fired.🤣 RIP Yusong.👻

  • @lordrex71
    @lordrex71 Год назад +3

    Man, my face hurt a couple of times during this episode

  • @brookeatkinson7364
    @brookeatkinson7364 Год назад +5

    I want Amelia on every episode, please.

  • @justinedevlin
    @justinedevlin Год назад +2

    Well that's a freakin' jumpscare lol

  • @jrblanston
    @jrblanston Год назад +1

    hugs! WOW!

  • @erikopland4832
    @erikopland4832 Год назад


    • @erikopland4832
      @erikopland4832 Год назад

      aaaaaawwww the ending was so sweet 👀👀

  • @curlytaleanimation
    @curlytaleanimation Год назад +1

    Any plans for an episode on popular fast food Frankenstein mashups a la the "McGangbang"?

  • @grlluigi
    @grlluigi Год назад +2

    get emilia one of those good refrigerated backpacks they make for the beach

    • @grlluigi
      @grlluigi Год назад +1

      and hell yea workers rights to half ass their work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @donmoxie6745
    @donmoxie6745 Год назад

    Regarding the puns on the costumes, I know Mitch was disappointed by his bc he thought it was lame, but his is actually better than Wiger's if you view it as intended to be dirty. "It's sweeter with jelly"... WHAT is sweeter with jelly?

  • @theForgottenMelodiesRecords
    @theForgottenMelodiesRecords Год назад

    really good game this episode near the end.

  • @kevinblart
    @kevinblart Год назад

    Congratulations Smack + Katy

  • @erikopland4832
    @erikopland4832 Год назад

    love the costume bit

  • @slowtrain4422
    @slowtrain4422 Год назад

    I loved bugaboo creek 😂

  • @davidspaulding569
    @davidspaulding569 Год назад +2

    I think doughboys is a funny program, whole-heartedly disagree when they say “this show sucks”

  • @kelly4663
    @kelly4663 Год назад

    Nick’s tan is great.

  • @grandpajerry
    @grandpajerry Год назад +2

    The intro is too scary

  • @Squatch3DYT
    @Squatch3DYT Год назад


  • @cfraute
    @cfraute Год назад

    Amelia rules

  • @EternalStuntman
    @EternalStuntman Год назад

    Amelia is the goat 🐐

  • @GISchmo
    @GISchmo Год назад

    after all that buildup we just a hug worthy of two awkward strangers, disappointing :P

  • @Myloveisakiss
    @Myloveisakiss Год назад +2

    Amelia is so great

  • @alainorozco8032
    @alainorozco8032 Год назад +1

    Donuts again?!

  • @Gleebo_Jones
    @Gleebo_Jones Год назад +2

    You should force your guests to wear costumes as well

  • @ChelseaColeslaw
    @ChelseaColeslaw Год назад

    Voodoo fired 7 of their workers for striking during a heat wave. This was the Old Town location, and if I remember correctly, there wasn't any air conditioning. I'm not sure what ended up happening since then, this was in 2021. The owner says AC is bad for the dough or some bs.
    Also, the Pride Bar used to be called the Gay Bar. It's odd that they have both that and a donut named after a rapper who used homophobic slurs like a lot.

    • @asmorrell
      @asmorrell Год назад +1

      Homophobic slurs suck, but "rapper who used homophobic slurs like a lot" is an almost totalizing category up to a certain point in time, and he is one of the most popular.

    • @ChelseaColeslaw
      @ChelseaColeslaw Год назад +3

      ​@@asmorrellthis is also true. I have friends who still like Eminem, and I get it. There's lots of problematic stuff I like, too. When I was a kid, it was the kids who listened to Eminem who called me those slurs. That's mainly why I connected those dots.
      I don't fault anyone for still listening to it.

  • @MKRYAN777
    @MKRYAN777 Год назад

    I'm not sure I'll ever understand why it's funny to make fun of a movie that that sheds light on child trafficking, but maybe that's just me.

    • @asmorrell
      @asmorrell Год назад +5

      If you looked into the conversation and background for that movie for even a few minutes, you might. Just because something ostensibly has a good message (and this movie's message ends up actually being questionable), doesn't mean it's worthy of anyone's respect.

    • @MKRYAN777
      @MKRYAN777 Год назад

      @@asmorrell I'm fully aware of everything there is to know about it, outside of watching it. I just don't think it's objectively funny to make fun of it. To each their own.

    • @kyleloder950
      @kyleloder950 Год назад +1

      How did they make fun of it?

    • @MKRYAN777
      @MKRYAN777 Год назад

      @@kyleloder950 This is the second time they've brought it up just for a laugh. I just don't get the joke. There's nothing inherently funny about it, to me.

    • @kyleloder950
      @kyleloder950 Год назад

      @@MKRYAN777in what way did they make fun of it